
David Orton

Prophet of Deep Ecology

Date:April 2011

David Orton, radical philosopher of “Deep Ecology”, friend and colleague of such thinkers as Arne Naess and John Livingston.

Normally The Green Interview produces its own biographies of the people we interview — but the interview with David Orton is unique in several ways.

To begin with, David was a highly-regarded proponent of “deep ecology,” a perspective that sees all life forms – man, moose or microbe – as having an equal right to survive and flourish. But he was not only an ecological philosopher and a bold thinker; he was also a deeply principled man who made a remarkable effort to live in accordance with his beliefs, minimizing his ecological footprint by subsisting on a small hill farm in Nova Scotia which he and his wife, Helga Hoffmann-Orton, deliberately allowed to return to forest.

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