Margaret Atwood Telling Tales From the Future Date:December 2019 Location: Topic:Climate ChangeDystopianEnvironmentExtinctionLiteratureSpeculative FictionSustainabilityTotalitarianism
Boris Worm Ocean Literacy and What It Means to Live on a Blue Planet Date:September 2019 Location: Topic:BiodiversityClimate ChangeEcologyEducationEndangered SpeciesFisheries ManagementFisheries ScienceMarine BiologyMarine EcologyOceans
James Hansen Restoring the Earth’s Energy Balance Date:March 2017 Location:United States Topic:Climate ChangeEnergy
Mary Christina Wood The Power of the Public Trust Doctrine Date:March 2017 Location:United States Topic:Climate ChangeFossil FuelsGreen RightsLaw & Lawyers
Maxine Burkett Navigating Climate Justice Date:March 2017 Location:United States Topic:Climate ChangeLaw & Lawyers
Anders Hayden A Good Life Redefined Date:February 2016 Location:Canada Topic:Climate ChangeCounting What Counts
Roger Cox The Dutch Climate Case: Suing the Government Date:November 2015 Location:Netherlands Topic:Climate ChangeGreen RightsLaw & Lawyers
Marjan Minnesma The Dutch Climate Case: Inspiring the World Date:November 2015 Location:Netherlands Topic:Climate ChangeGreen RightsLaw & LawyersSustainable Business
Osprey Orielle Lake Creating a New Cultural Narrative Date:January 2014 Location:United States Topic:Art & MusicClimate Change
Andrew Weaver The World of Politics and the World of Science Date:October 2013 Location:Canada Topic:Climate ChangeEducationPolitics
Tzeporah Berman Victoria’s Dirty Secret and Other Forest Tales Date:October 2013 Location:Canada Topic:Climate ChangePolitics
Franke James The Art of Activism Date:September 2013 Location:Canada Topic:Art & MusicClimate ChangeEnergyLeading by Example
George Monbiot Chinks of Light in a Darkening World Date:September 2012 Location:England Topic:Climate ChangeJournalismPhilosophyPolitics
Alanna Mitchell The Ocean in Peril Date:October 2011 Location:Canada Topic:Climate ChangeFish and Fisheries
James Hoggan The Climate Change Denial Industry Date:October 2011 Location:Canada Topic:Climate ChangePolitics